A Look into our Guidelines

Hello again, allocaters, Bthari is back here to tell you about our branding! 😉 Before we get into our guidelines, let's dig deeper into a topic that related to guidelines, have a guess?

It is branding.

The web, with our own branding, will convey and determine what user feels. And it emphasizes what company we actually are, is it a fun and kind company or elegant and serious company? The choice itself is not up to the designer, it defined by the market targeted (ex: a retiring employee or easy-going teenager) because every community out there has their own preference. A good branding can connect to the customer on the emotional level and it will set us apart from the competitor. 

Guidelines, apart from content and wording, is some element of branding. 

Every app needs its own guidelines, why? First, there we got a need for branding in a competent company; second, it helps to standardize every component, choice, and decision; last, but not least, it's painful for a developer who doesn't understand design to think how the app should looks if we didn't have guidelines.

Guidelines also helped users in many ways. It will help users to navigate in our application because guidelines determine how components behave and looks (the same way at every place), it will quicken user learning's speed. 

This guideline was made by me and Zahra, another hipster in allocateam. You can go to our Figma in page two for our full view on our guidelines: https://www.figma.com/file/N9cfmMyWn293f0SUl7KXhmlM/Mockup-PPL-Mapan?node-id=3%3A0

P.S. Here a snippet

Thank you for reading, hope it helps! :)

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