![Shutterstock / Pressmaster](https://thoughtcatalog.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/shutterstock_1321926291.jpg?w=786&h=550)
Hello allocaters, It's me again aye, your allocateam hustler now I want to share to you all all the progress we have done as a team up until now.
So I will tell you about the first week,we have done our sprint planning and also we all start off by taking the task of studying what each of us is going to focus on in the first sprint As you can see there are so much of the task left, a total of 52 task to be exact. At first I am not that confident that we can finish it all in time but I believe in my team and as hustler it is my duty to keep the team in track so we carried on :)
so many task,so little time
Now on to the first daily scrum meeting we all have studied an completed our task (if you wanna see the results of that studying it is all here in the blog) , in the first daily scrum meeting every body was on track and got another task ready to go. I was so happy as the hustler because there was nothing that was delayed :)
the first scrum meeting all is still well
On to the second scrum meeting, we all are still on track! We marched through our daily task and carried on. Nothing was held back everything was well. Our team was going smoothly. No one made excuses our team was as smooth as a well oiled car. There was nothing holding us back :)
result of the second scrum meeting:)
third scrum meeting,task are moving one by one:)
On to the fourth scrum meeting, thankfully I have finished my task with the help of the team, and all the team finished theirs we went to the next task nothing was held back, I again are is a proud hustler every body in the team focused on their goal and achieved them :)
![update scrum board](https://scele.cs.ui.ac.id/pluginfile.php/33473/mod_forum/post/38950/20180315_155616_HDR.jpg)
fourth scrum meeting 9 more task to go :)
Which brings us to now our last scrum meeting before the reviews,every body is still going strong. Some of us didn't finish our task(because it has a harder work load not because we are not on track :) ),but it is okay we are all still on track to reach our goal before the sprint review. I believe in my team, because they never make excuses, even with all the deadlines that is going on they still eliminate distractions so they can focus on reaching our team's goal. Because all of the things that we have gone through that makes me one proud hustler.
5 task left, I am certain my team can achieve the desired spring goal :)
Before I sign of like I always do I want to give a you a little preview of out next innovation as ateam, because so many has followed our team initiative of making an instagram page, we are now moving to our next ventures which is youtube. Here we will provide content for you loyal allocaters, curious about our content subscribe from now to make sure you don't miss any of it.
presubscribe here :)
That is it for now, As always I am ahmad yazid harharah signing out :)
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