Hello allocaters, I am Ahmad Yazid, but people call me AY(which is pronounced AYE not AIY). I am one of the members of the allocateam development team. For this blog post I am going to share my experience of my first ever task which is to study the Flask framework. What is flask? Why did we choose it? Is it really the best? That is just some of the questions that is going to be answered in this blog post. Do you want to know the answer? if you do then read on my loyal readers.
So, the first questions is what is Flask? released on April 1, 2010 (which was seven years ago) and created by Armin Ronacher of Pocco (an international group of Python enthusiasts) Flask was and still is a microframework created for Python which is based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2 it also BSD licensed. Quoted from https://www.hackster.io/mjrobot/python-webserver-with-flask-and-raspberry-pi-41b5fc "Flask is called a micro framework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions. However, Flask supports extensions that can add application features as if they were implemented in Flask itself.". Which means it is highly volatile so we as a team can add any features and application extension as we go. It would be good for us because we really need add-ons to complete our project.
The second question is, why did we choose it? To be completely honest Flask was not our first choice. It was assigned to us by our project owner, because MAPAN uses flask for all of their systems. But there must have been an explanation of why MAPAN chooses flask for their systems. Let's talk about Flask's advantages over other frameworks out there. From what I have read Flask has been the fastest (performance wise) if compared to other frameworks (such as pyramid or django),the simplicity that it offers makes it one of the easier ones to learn out of any other frameworks and of course as we have said before the volatility that it offers makes it one of the better frameworks that is around right now.
We have answered the first two answers, now it is time to answer the most anticipated question. Is it really the best? For that we actually can't really say. Maybe it is one of the faster one out there, and it is said to be one of the simpler one's compared to other frame works despite all that no one can really say we can't really say that Flask is the best but one thing for sure Flask is the best for our specific project.
If you are really interested in flask and want to discover it for your self go visit http://flask.pocoo.org/ there you could see all the documentation,community,extensions that flask offers (it also has the Hello,world tutorial for building your first flask project).
In conclusion this week I have studied all about flask, it's history,it's advantages and all the things mentioned before,read their documentation and also tried a few simple projects using the flask framework. Now I am ready to tell my other scrum members about what I have learned and also ready to implement what I have learned to allocateam project. For the next session I have picked creating dummy data for our project more on that on the next blog post.
That is it for now allocaters leave any questions or coments in the comment section below , I am Ahmad Yazid Harharah hustler of allocateam Signing out :)
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