Hello, React!

Hi Everyone! Thanks for visiting our blog :)

Let me introduce my self, 

My name is Zahra Auliaul Ummah, I'm being part of PPL-C4 team or we (as a team) usually call it allocateam

Actually, me and all of my friends (in allocateam) will give you all some cool story about what we all have learned every week for every sprints that we do. This is my first post in this blog. Can you guess what kind of story that I will share to you this time? So, for my first sprint-task, I chose to learn about React. 

We chose React (as a programming language) for developing our website's front-end system. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Why React? As previously mentioned on this website, React is declarative because you only need to design simple views for each state in your application and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. React is also component-based because we can build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. 

After knowing about that facts, I decided to search many website to help me (as a beginner) understand more about React. And then, yeah!, I found this website: https://dumbways.id/courses/enrolled/225695. It's free! You just have to sign up, make account and watch the video. From that website, The first thing that I learned is how to do the installation correctly and easily. After that, I learned many things about component, functional component, child component, component lifecycle, props, events and state in React. It was really-really interesting! Oh ya, you can also look for this website: https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html, it will give you the documentations and tutorials about React itself. 

I hope what I wrote above can help you guys to learn about React (like I did, recently). If you have another good website to learn React, please comment down bellow.

See ya on the next post! :)

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